How To Enable Meta Tag Descriptions In Blog Post

Enable Meta Tag Descriptions In Blog Post

Assallammualaikum wr.wb.

After going through "How to Create Articles Posted in Blog" The next step now we will make Enable Meta Tag Descriptions In Blog Post.

Enable Meta Tag Descriptions In Blog Post
Add Meta Tag Desc


What is Meta Tag Descriptions ?

> Meta is the element or tag in HTML or XHTML programming language that has a function as a conduit of information metadata of a blog or website.

> Meta also serves as a data source for information when performing robots and spiders crawling on a web page or blog.

> Step by step  Enable Meta Tag Descriptions In Blog Post can be directly studied by looking at the youtube video below.


Here writing the description meta tag:

<meta content = 'My Experience Is My Inspiration' name = 'description' />

Meta tags are used to describe the entire content (content) or posting a blog article. Meta tag is very help web spiders or web robots search engines in describing our blog so that it easier for visitors to understand the content in the search for articles that are in search of visitors blog or weblog.
